Treating Pain with Acupuncture
While acupuncture originated in China, its first introduction in the US was intended for effective relief from pain. This has caught the attention of the public significantly. It was in the year 1972 that a popular news reporter got his very first acupuncture treatment for relief of post-operative pain. He was so impressed with how effective the treatment was that he wrote a whole lot about the treatment of acupuncture in the US and soon for other western countries to adapt.
In China, acupuncture is already a well-known treatment for pain. This has been the treatment of choice for several thousands of years. It is only just between 40 and 50 years in the west that this alternative treatment has been accepted for pain relief. Studies have been done on the effects of acupuncture in the treatment of patients who are suffering from pain. According to the results, patients who received acupuncture treatment verbalized more relief from pain than patients who received a placebo. In another study, patients were given a pain stimulus externally while receiving acupuncture treatment for their pain. For the entire duration of the study, patients were asked to rate their pain levels. For those who have received acupuncture treatment, they reported less pain from the external stimulus. This is backed up by the MRI results that show that areas that respond to pain have reduced activity. From this other study, with acupuncture performed properly, it has the ability to reduce the response of the brain to pain. This coincides with the theory that endorphins are stimulated by acupuncture that would help in reducing and controlling the pain that the patient feels. Get Schedule Here!
A lot of acupuncture points are located near the nerves of the body. When these muscles are stimulated with acupuncture needles, the muscle signals the central nervous system to release endorphins or the feel-good hormones of the body. These endorphins are capable of blocking the pain message to be delivered to the brain. Make sure to click here to know more!
From all of these pieces of evidence and more, you can really say that acupuncture is effective in treating various forms and levels of pain. It can help treat patients who are suffering from either chronic or acute pain. It also helps patients deal with their headaches, muscle pain, neck pain, lower back pain, and menstrual cramps. Moreover, acupuncture is also used in treating patients with facial pain, arthritis, post-operation pain, and pain from cancer and cancer treatments.
When it comes to pain, most people rely on pain medications to obtain relief. The use of these medications showcases some unwanted side effects. With acupuncture, however, you will not be experiencing any of these side effects because no chemicals are used in the process. Visit this website at https://www.britannica.com/science/complementary-and-alternative-medicine for more info about acupuncture.